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First steps after discharge and return to normal life

Gabriela Štiková

Gabriela Štiková

First steps after discharge and return to normal life

Addiction impacts on different areas of an individual's and their family's life (e.g. disrupted family relationships, loss of employment, social impacts, etc.), so returning to normal life after gambling addiction treatment can be challenging.

It does not end with treatment. You need to think about how to maintain the positive behavioural and lifestyle changes you have gained during treatment. Here are some steps and strategies that can help you stay on track and prevent relapse.

Keep your post-treatment care plan

Before leaving a treatment facility, it's important to have a clear post-treatment care plan. This plan should include regular meetings with a therapist who specializes in addiction or attending support groups or arranged check-ins with the treatment facility. Maintaining regular contact with professionals can provide valuable support and guidance after you leave a treatment facility. There are also 'treatment centres' that provide support for people who have been through treatment and need help to return to a full life. Some facilities organise regular educational sessions, social events, therapeutic family sessions, etc. for their clients as part of their recovery.

Create a support network

Support from family, friends and people who have been through a similar experience is indispensable. Sharing your experiences and feelings with people who understand you can greatly reduce feelings of isolation and help you stay on track. Support groups for gambling addicts, such as Gamblers Anonymous, offer structured meetings and peer support.

Identify and avoid triggers

An important step in relapse prevention is to identify situations, feelings or people that led you to gamble in the past. Once identified, it is crucial to develop strategies to avoid or deal with these triggers without resorting to gambling.

Focus on a healthy lifestyle

Physical activity, a healthy diet and getting enough sleep are the building blocks for maintaining good mental health. Regular exercise can reduce stress and improve mood, which can be especially helpful during recovery.

Set new goals

Setting realistic goals and working towards achieving them can be powerfully motivating and help you maintain a positive direction. Whether it's professional ambitions, educational goals or personal projects, it's important to have something you can work towards that fills them with a sense of meaningfulness for you.

Learn new ways to manage stress

Gambling addiction often serves as an unhealthy way to deal with stress and anxiety. Learning healthy stress management strategies such as meditation, deep breathing, or yoga can be key to maintaining a life free of gaming addiction in the long run.

Look for meaningful activities

Finding activities that are meaningful and satisfying to you can help fill the void left by gambling. Whether it's volunteering, hobbies or spending time with family, it's important to find ways to enjoy life without the need to gamble.

Returning to a normal life after treatment for gambling addiction is a process that takes time, patience and a strong will. Remember, you are not alone in this. Take advantage of the resources available, seek support, and work on yourself every day. Your efforts will pay off. You will regain control of your life and find a path to lasting recovery.